Hi dear
all. Foreigner who married to Malaysian and plan to stay in Malaysia can now apply for a Long Term Social Visit Pass.
I’m Malaysian and my husband is Chinese PRC citizen. We submitted our
documents (first time application) in mid of August. We just passed our
interview, and we got one year LTSVP with multiple entries (hooray!).
As we know,
PRC citizen have slightly different rules/ requirements from time to time
compared to the others, hence we want to share some latest information
here. Hope this will be useful for other
citizen can only submit application at Malaysia Immigration Department Head
Quarters at Putrajaya. Only few forms can be downloaded from Immigration
website but all the forms can be taken at front desk of Division Visa, Pas
& Permit.
1. 2 sets of Form Imm.55.
2. 2 sets of Form Imm.38.
3. 2 sets of Form Imm.12.
4. Malaysian sponsor statement form (Borang
Kenyataan Penaja).
5. Husband's and wife's particulars form
(Borang Hal Ehwal Suami Isteri).
6. Additional information form (Borang
Maklumat Tambahan).
7. Security
Bond which has been stamped with a RM10.00 revenue stamp at Lembaga Hasil Dalam
The nearest Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri is
located at Cyberjaya.
8. Statutory Declaration of marriage with
passport size photograph of husband and wife, stamped by Commissioner for Oaths
(Surat Akuan Sumpah berserta gambar dan dicop Pesuruhjaya Sumpah).
There is an office of Commissioner for Oaths
located at ground floor of Immigration Putrajaya.
9. Declaration
of Sponsor Form, stamped by Commissioner for Oaths (Borang Akuan Penaja, who salary is more than RM2000).
10. Declaration
of Guarantor Form, stamped by Commissioner for Oaths (Borang Akuan Penjamin. If the Malaysian wife is currently not
working, one Malaysian needs to attend during submission of application and
interview, as guarantor of the couple, who salary is more than RM2000).
*Penaja =
Sponsor (Malaysian husband/wife). *Penjamin = Guarantor (Malaysian).
Photocopy of Malaysian husband's/wife's birth certificate.
Photocopy of Malaysian husband's/wife's Identification Card.
13. Photocopy
of Foreign Marriage Certificate if marriage abroad.
14. We are
married in China, hence we need Notarial Certificate of China Marriage
Certificate (with three stamps: stamped and signed by Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the PRC in China; stamped and signed by Embassy of Malaysia in
China; and lastly stamped and signed by consular officer from Ministry of
Foreign Affairs at Putrajaya).
[Process of notarial certificate of China marriage certificate in China:
一. 到公证处,带上结婚证原件和中国公民身份证和户口本,以及钱。
二. 双认证就是中国外交部和马来西亚驻中国的大使馆一起在翻译公证书上盖章签字。
三. 最后是回来马来西亚时到Putrajaya的外交部盖章。]
Photocopy of Malaysian Marriage Certificate.
16. Marriage
Register Extract from JPN Putrajaya ONLY (Cabutan untuk daftar perkawinan yang dari
JPN Putrajaya sahaja).
17. A piece
of 4R full-body wedding photograph, with 4 passport-size photographs of husband
and wife (2 photographs each person). All these 5 photos have to glue on one A4
18. Trading
License (Lesen niaga)/ROC form/Form J (If sponsor/guarantor is Proprietor).
Supporting letter from employer with Letter Head (If sponsor/guarantor is Employee).
20. Income
statement (Latest 3 months’ bank statement, pages need to be stamped and signed
by bank and/or 3 months’ salary slip if sponsor/guarantor is Employee).
21. Proof
of residential address, such as utility bill (If stays at parents’ or own house,
need to submit photocopy of Sales & Purchase Agreement or deed of the
Photocopy of husband's/wife's passport (all pages).
Photocopy of Malaysian husband's/wife's passport (all pages).
Others if
Photocopy of Divorce/Death Certificate
Photocopy of children’s birth certificates
May God
bless us all.